COMPLEX (create complex number)

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COMPLEX (create complex number)


COMPLEX(Real, Imag [, Suffix])


This creates a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj from the specified Real and Imag.

With Suffix (optional), you can determine which letter should be used for the imaginary unit: either "i" or "j" (lowercase!). If Suffix is not specified, "i" is automatically used.


To enter complex numbers in cells, you do not actually need the COMPLEX function, but can also simply type in the value. For example, the complex number 2+4i can be entered either as =COMPLEX(2, 4) or simply as 2+4i.

The same applies for formulas – except for the fact that complex numbers have to be enclosed within double quotation marks ("). For example, instead of typing =IMPOWER(COMPLEX(2, 4)), you could also type =IMPOWER("2+4i").


COMPLEX(2, 4) returns 2+4i

COMPLEX(2, 4, "i") also returns 2+4i

COMPLEX(2, 4, "j") returns 2+4j

See also: