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FreeOffice: SoftMaker FreeOffice does not support the insertion of form objects. This means that you cannot create new forms with it, but you can still use existing forms.

You can insert form objects into your tables to create forms.


The following types of form objects are available:

Checkboxes for enabling

Radio buttons for selecting from among multiple alternatives

Dropdowns for selecting from an expandable list

Listboxes for selecting from a list

Pushbuttons for clicking on

Spinners for increasing/decreasing values via a mouse click

Scrollbars for increasing/decreasing values via a mouse click

Labels for static descriptions

Groupboxes for visually grouping related items

Form objects always have a Result cell. This is the cell which holds the value that the form object returns. You can specify which cell this is for each individual form object.

If, for example, you insert a listbox with several entries in it, 1 is displayed in the result cell when you click on the first entry, 2 when you click on the second entry, etc.

This chapter contains detailed information on working with forms. It consists of the following sections:

Working with form objects

The first section covers general information on working with form objects. You will learn how to insert, edit and evaluate form objects.

Form objects in detail

The second section contains detailed information on each individual type of form object.

Options of the contextual ribbon tab "Object"

The last section explains the commands of the contextual ribbon tab Objects. This always appears automatically when you select a form object.