NORM.DIST (normal distribution)

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NORM.DIST (normal distribution)


NORM.DIST(x, Mean, StdDev, Cumulative)


This returns the normal distribution (also known as Gaussian distribution).

The normal distribution is one of the most important distributions in statistics, since many random variables are normally distributed or are at least approximately normally distributed.

x is the value to be evaluated.

Mean is the mean of LN(x).

StdDev is the standard deviation of LN(x).

You use the logical value Cumulative to specify which type of function will be returned:

FALSE: The probability density function is returned.

TRUE: The cumulative distribution function is returned.

normdist_sample_a     normdist_sample_b

Left: density function ("bell curve"), right: distribution function

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2010 or later. The function is unknown in older versions.

Additional info:

The reverse function to this function is NORM.INV

See also: