OFFSET (shifted reference)

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OFFSET (shifted reference)


OFFSET(Reference, Rows, Columns [, Height] [, Width])


This returns a cell reference shifted by the specified number of rows and columns from the original cell reference. There is also the option of changing the size of the Reference.

Note: This does not physically move worksheet cells nor move the selection. The function only returns a shifted cell reference.

Reference is the original cell reference. You can specify either a single cell or a cell range (in the notation Start cell:End cell).

For Rows, specify the number of rows by which Reference is to be shifted. Positive values shift downwards, while negative values shift upwards.

For Columns, specify the number of columns by which Reference is to be shifted. Positive values shift to the right, while negative values shift to the left.

Height (optional) changes the height of Reference to the specified number of rows. Height must be a positive value.

Width (optional) changes the width of Reference to the specified number of columns. Width must be a positive value.


OFFSET(A1, 2, 0) returns a reference to A3

OFFSET(A1:C3, 1, 1) returns a reference to B2:D4

OFFSET(A1:C3, 1, 1, 5, 3) returns a reference to B2:D6

SUM(OFFSET(A1:C3, 1, 1, 5, 3)) returns the sum of the values in B2:D6

See also: