Relative versus absolute cell references

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Relative versus absolute cell references

Cell references in calculations can be entered either as relative cell references (like =A1) or as absolute cell references (like =$A$1).

This section explains the difference between relative and absolute cell addressing:

Relative cell references

When you type the address of another cell in a formula, PlanMaker always interprets that cell reference as a relative cell reference.

An example: You enter the following formula in cell B3:


PlanMaker does not interpret this as "Add B1 and B2", but rather as "Add the values in the two cells that are directly above cell B3".

You will notice this when you copy or move cell B3 to C3. PlanMaker then adapts the formula immediately:


Absolute cell references

If you want to prevent the formula from being adapted automatically, you must type the cell reference as absolute by placing a dollar sign ($) in front of the column number and/or row number. You have the option of classifying complete cell addresses as absolute (for example, $B$1) or just one component of it (for example, $B1 or B$1).

An absolute cell reference always refers to the original cell address, regardless of where you subsequently move the cell with the formula.

For example: =$B$1 + $B$2

If you enter this formula in cell B3 and move this cell to C3, PlanMaker will still refer to cells B1 and B2.

Tip: Using the F4 key to change cell addressing

When you enter a cell reference in a formula, you can then use the F4 key to switch between relative and absolute addressing.

If, for example, you have typed =A4 in a cell,

=$A$4 will be displayed if you press F4 once,

=$A4 will be displayed if you press F4 again,

=A$4 will be displayed if you press F4 again.

If you press F4 once again, the old entry =A4 will be displayed again.