Working with multiple worksheets

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Working with multiple worksheets

PlanMaker worksheets do not necessarily have to consist of a single worksheet. You can also stack several worksheets on top of each other – just like a stack of papers. Thus, PlanMaker documents are also called workbooks. Each workbook can contain up to 2048 worksheets.

The main advantage of this is that calculations in one worksheet can also refer to cells in other worksheets of a workbook, thus letting you create "three-dimensional" calculations as such. For more information, see Calculating in three dimensions.

In this section, you will learn everything you need to know about working with multiple worksheets in a document. The following topics are covered:

Creating new worksheets

To create a new worksheet, choose the ribbon command Insert | Sheet | Insert.

Working with the worksheet register

The worksheet register displayed at the bottom of the document window allows you to switch between the worksheets of a document with a single mouse click. You can also use it to create, move and manage worksheets.

Managing worksheets

The context menu of the worksheet register and the ribbon command Insert | Sheet both contain commands for managing worksheets (Rename, Copy, Move, etc.).

Calculating in three dimensions

In the last section, you will learn how to perform calculations across multiple worksheets.

The following pages provide detailed information on these topics.