Working with other file formats

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Working with other file formats

PlanMaker normally saves documents in its "in-house" file format called PlanMaker document. PlanMaker documents can be recognized easily by the name extension .pmdx. If, for example, you save a document under the name "Taxes", its complete file name will be Taxes.pmdx.

You can also instruct PlanMaker to save files in another file format. This is necessary, for example, if you want to edit a PlanMaker document with another program. Conversely, you can also open documents in PlanMaker, which have been created with other spreadsheet applications.

In this chapter, you will learn everything you need to know about working with other file formats. It is divided into the following sections:

Saving and opening files in other file formats

The first section explains how to save or open documents in a different file format: Simply choose the ribbon command File | Save as or File | Open and select the desired format from the dropdown list of file types.

Notes on the text format

When you open or save text files, a dialog box appears with additional options. This section contains information on these options.

Notes on the Excel format

This section provides information on working with Microsoft Excel files. In this section, you will learn everything you need to know about data exchange between PlanMaker and Excel.

Notes on the HTML format

The last section deals with saving documents in HTML format.

See the following pages for more information.