Changing the properties of media objects

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Changing the properties of media objects

When you insert a media object into a slide, Presentations displays an icon (representing a sound file) or an image (representing a movie file).

Using the ribbon tab "Picture"

If you have selected a media object, the contextual ribbon tab Picture will appear automatically on the far right as an additional tab. Here, you can change numerous properties of the icon/image directly via the buttons. The options on this ribbon tab correspond to those of an inserted picture file. For more information, see section Changing picture properties via the ribbon tab.

Additional options can be found via the dialog box Object properties. For more information, see below.

Additional options: Via the dialog box

If you choose the path via the dialog box, you will find the usual object properties (for displaying the icon/image). In addition, you will find options for the behavior of the media object itself here (on the "Media object" tab), which correspond mainly to the commands on the Ribbon tab "Media object".

To open the dialog box, select the media object and right-click on it to open the context menu. Select the entry Media object properties.

Tip: You can also open this dialog box by double-clicking on the object.

The following settings can be made in this dialog box:

Format, Fill, Lines tabs, etc.

These tabs are available for almost all object types. They allow you to change the following settings:

Format: Here, you can change the size and positioning of the object and rotate it. For more information, see Object properties, Format tab.

Fill: This option allows you to change the fill. For more information, see Object properties, Fill tab.

Lines: This option allows you to apply border lines. For more information, see Object properties, Lines tab.

Shadow: This option allows you to apply a shadow. For more information, see Object properties, Shadow tab.

Effects: This option allows you to apply different effects. For more information, see Object properties, Effects tab.

Properties: This option allows you to change general settings. It also displays information about the media object you are using. For more information, see Object properties, Properties tab.

Furthermore, these two additional tabs appear for media objects:

Picture tab

This tab contains settings for the graphical representation of the displayed picture/icon.

Available options:


This list offers some predefined color variations of the picture/icon – for example, different color modes (grayscale, black & white, etc.) as well as colored variants of the picture/icon.
Simply click on the desired variant. The options in the dialog box are then automatically set to the corresponding settings.

Options section

Here, you can change brightness, contrast, saturation and gamma value (an alternative way to change brightness).

More button

This button opens a dialog box with additional settings:
If you enable the option Mix with color and select a color below it, the picture/icon will be colored accordingly.
The options in the Cropping section can be used to crop the picture/icon. This is useful if you only need a section of the picture/icon. If, for example, you want the upper quarter of the object to be truncated, first select Use relative values and enter "25" (percent) for Top.
If you select Use absolute values, the entries will be truncated in absolute units of length rather than as a percentage. If you enter negative values, the areas of the picture/icon will not be truncated, but will be extended with a frame.

Transparency section

Here, you can make settings for the transparency of the picture/icon:
Use picture settings: The transparency is read from the picture file.
No transparency: This option ignores transparency, even if it is a picture with transparent areas.
Color: This option lets you select the color to be displayed transparently. If, for example, you select white, all white areas of the picture will become transparent.


In the small toolbar below the sample, you will find the option Pick transparent color (the pipette icon). You can use it to make certain colored parts of the picture transparent, for example, to remove a distracting background from the picture. To do so, use the pipette icon to click on an area of the thumbnail that you want to make transparent.
The other toolbar buttons help you to fine-tune the picture (Zoom in, Zoom out, Pan picture), but do not affect the appearance of the picture in the document.
Note: You must first select a tool in the toolbar by clicking on it with the mouse. You can then work on the thumbnail with the enabled tool.

Media object tab

This tab contains options that affect the media object itself.

Tip: Most of these options can also be found via the direct commands on the contextual ribbon tab Media object.

Available options:


The type of media object is displayed here. This is just information and is not a setting that can be changed.


Here, you can see the path and file name of the media object (if inserted as a link). This is also information which you cannot change.

File button

You can use this button to replace the file with another one and the formatting will be retained.

Export button

This option is available only for media objects that are saved in the document. You can use this button to export the media object, that is, to save a copy of the media object on your hard disk under any name.


If you enable the option Loop, the media object will start to play continuously after its initial playback during the slide show.

Only for movie clips:


This option rewinds the movie to the first frame after it has been played.

Full screen

This option starts the movie in the full screen view when running the slide show.

Hide while not playing

This option hides the movie when running the slide show until the point is reached where the movie is to be shown. Depending on the option you set to start the movie, you may need to link the movie to an action; otherwise, you will not be able to start the movie during the slide show. For more information, see Adding object actions.

Only for sound clips:

Hide during show

The media object is visually hidden during the slide show, but it is still played.

Play across slides

This option enables the sound to continue playing after the show has advanced to the next slide. This is useful, for example, for background music.