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On the Hyperlink tab in the dialog box of the command group Home | group Character group_arrow, you can add a hyperlink to text.

For example, a hyperlink to a web page can be inserted into a slide. If you click on this link text during the slide show, the web browser starts and displays the specified page.

Creating a hyperlink

To insert a hyperlink, select the text into which you want to include a hyperlink. Then open the dialog box by clicking on the group arrowgroup_arrow on the ribbon tab Home | group Character and switch to the Hyperlink tab.

Even faster: Choose the ribbon command Insert | group Links | Hyperlink hyperlink_icon.

In the dialog box, use the Type section to specify which action should happen when you click on the link:

None: Do not perform any action. This is the default setting. (The settings in the Effects section will still work independently.)

Slide navigation: Jump to another slide. To do so, select the desired slide from the list.

Custom slide show: Start a custom slide show. To do so, select the desired slide show from the list. For information on creating custom slide shows, see Custom slide shows.

URL: Access the specified URL (web address or path to a locally stored HTML file). For web pages, your web browser is automatically started. For this purpose, you must enter "http://" in front of the address of the page, for example, "http://www.example.com".

In the Bookmark field, you can also enter a bookmark if you want to jump to a specific target position on the specified website.

File: Open the specified file. Here, you can enter either an executable file or a document. Specify the path and name of the file, and the associated application will then start automatically.

E-mail: Send an e-mail. To do so, enter the recipient's e-mail address and (optionally) the subject.

Object action: This option is not available for text. (For more information, see Adding object actions)

Tip: Links to URLs and e-mail addresses can be created faster and easier if the option Format URLs as hyperlinks is enabled in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Auto correction. You can then type the destination address (for example, "www.example.com" or "mailto:xy@example.com") directly into the slide text and press the space bar. Presentations recognizes that you have entered a web address or e-mail address and automatically formats it as a link.

This setting is global and not document-specific. If, in some cases, you do not want the conversion to a link at certain points, right-click on the link to open the context menu and select Remove hyperlink. Alternatively, use the Undo command directly after the conversion to a link.

The Effects section can be used to add sound effects that are played when you click on the hyperlink:

No effect: No sound is played when you click on the link during the slide show. This is the default setting.

Stop previous sound: This option stops whatever sound was playing in the current slide.

Play new sound: This option plays the selected sound file. Select the sound file to be played from the list or click on the File button to specify a sound file on your hard drive.

The Reset button allows you to undo all changes made in the open dialog box provided that you have not yet confirmed them with OK.

Opening hyperlinks

To open a hyperlink when running a slide show, simply click on the text that contains the hyperlink. Presentations then opens the linked document.

In the normal slide view, however, click on the link text with the key combination Ctrl + left mouse button (alternatively or for Android/iOS: in the context menu with the command Go to link).

Editing or removing a hyperlink

Existing hyperlinks can be edited as follows:

Changing destination

To change the destination of a hyperlink, select the complete link text and then choose the ribbon command again Insert | group Links | Hyperlink (alternatively via the context menu: Edit link). The program again displays the dialog box in which you can edit the destination for the link.

To remove a hyperlink, proceed as follows:

Removing a hyperlink by deleting the link text

If you delete text that contains a hyperlink, the link is also removed.

Removing only the hyperlink

If you only want to remove the hyperlink but retain the associated section of text, select it and then right-click to select the entry Remove hyperlink in the context menu.