Printing a presentation

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Printing a presentation

To print the current document, choose the ribbon command File | Print print_icon.


The program will display a dialog box in which the following settings can be made:


Here, select which of the installed printers should print the printout.

The Setup button opens a window for setting up and configuring printers. For more information, see your printer manual.

Linux users can also specify here the command to be used to initiate the printing process.

MacOS and iOS users select the printer including its setup via the Print button.

Print content

Select what to print here: the slides themselves, the notes, an outline of your presentation or handouts.

If you select "Handouts" here, the option Handouts layout is also enabled and lets you choose how many slides to print on each page.

Print range

Here, you can specify which slides to print:

All slides

Print the entire document.

Selected slide(s)

Print only the slides currently selected in the mini sorter or in the slide sorter.

Custom slide show

Print only the slides in the custom slide show selected here. (For more information, see also Custom shows.)

Slides with numbers

Print only the slides with the specified numbers. To use this option, enter the desired slide numbers. Some examples:


Print slide 12 only


Print slides 12 to 15


Print slide 12 and all of the following slides


Print slides 1 to 12

You can also enter multiple slide numbers or ranges by separating them with commas:

2-5, 12

Print slides 2 to 5 and slide 12



You can also use the option Pages to print to specify whether all selected pages or only the pages with a even or odd page number should be printed.


This section of the dialog box contains additional printing options:


Here, you can specify the number of copies of the document to be printed.

Collate copies

This option specifies whether to sort the print output by page number when printing multiple copies of a document.
If you enable this option and print multiple copies of a document with, for example, three pages, the pages will be output in the following order: 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, and so on.
If it is not enabled, the order will be: 1-1-1..., 2-2-2..., 3-3-3...
Note: Some printers do not support this function.

Print to file

This option redirects the print output to a file instead of a physical printer.

Reverse order

This option prints the pages from last to first.

Frame slides

This option prints a border around the content of each slide.

Print hidden slides

This option allows you to also print those slides that were marked as hidden with the ribbon command Slide show | Hide slide.

Fit to page

This option resizes the content of each slide if necessary to ensure it fits on the printed page.

Double-sided printing (Windows and Linux only)

Instead of Single-sided printing only on the front of a page, you can set here for printing to also be performed on the back of a page ("duplex printing"):
Double sided, long edge means that you can turn the pages like a book.
Double sided, short edge means that you scroll the pages upwards like a clipboard.
Note: Your printer must support duplex printing in order to be able to use this feature.

Color mode

Here, you can select whether to print the presentation in its original colors, in grayscale or in black and white.

To start printing, click on OK.