<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Configuring Duden Korrektor |
This feature is only included in SoftMaker Office Professional and NX Universal. It is not available in the Android and iOS version.
TextMaker contains a dialog box with settings for all modules of the Duden Korrektor. This allows you to configure the Duden Korrektor and customize the style check to your preferred writing style.
You can open this dialog box as follows:
1. | Choose the ribbon command File | Options ![]() |
Alternatively: Choose the ribbon command Review | Spell check ![]() |
2. | Switch to the Language tab. |
3. | Click on the Duden Korrektor options button. |
The dialog box contains the following settings:
Checking style for spelling and grammar
Due to the 1996 spelling reform, several spellings are now permitted for numerous German words – for example, Foto or Photo.
This setting allows you to specify which of these alternative spellings should be considered correct by the spell check and grammar check. You can choose between the following options:
Duden recommendations: If more than one spelling of a word is allowed, only the spelling recommended by the Duden editorial staff should be considered correct.
Conservative: If several spellings are allowed, only the old spelling should be considered correct. Right: Photo. Wrong: Foto.
Progressive: If several spellings are allowed, only the new ("reformed") spelling should be considered correct. Right: Foto. Wrong: Photo.
Permissive: If several spellings are allowed, all spellings are considered correct – i.e., both Photo and Foto.
Press agencies: If several spellings are allowed, the German press agencies' preferred spelling is considered correct.
"Grammar check" section
▪Show tooltips
If this option is enabled, the Duden grammar check displays an info box with information about the type of grammatical error when you hover with the mouse over one of the green underlined grammatical errors in the text. |
"Spell check" section
▪Show tooltips
If this option is enabled, the spell check displays an info box with information about the type of spelling error when you hover with the mouse over one of the red underlined spelling errors in the text. (Of course, this only works if the option Check spelling as you type is enabled.) |
"Hyphenation" section
▪Hyphenation style
Due to the 1996 spelling reform, there are now numerous German words which may be hyphenated in several ways. Before the reform, for example, the word magnet was always separated into ma-gnet; the alternative separation of mag-net is now also permitted. |
You can use this setting to specify which variant is to be used in such cases. You can choose between the following options: |
Conservative: If several hyphenation variants are permitted for a word, use only the old hyphenation. Right. Ma-gnet. Wrong: Mag-net. |
Progressive: If several variants are permitted, use only the new ("reformed") separation. Right: Mag-net. Wrong: Ma-gnet. |
By pronunciation: If several variants are allowed, use the variant that corresponds to the pronunciation of the word. In the case of Magnet, that would be Ma-gnet. |
Combined (all variants): Use all permitted variants of separations. Depending on the space required, Magnet can be separated as either Mag-net or Ma-gnet. |
▪Allow separations within word stems
This option has the following effect: |
On: Allow all permitted hyphenations, including those within word stems. |
Off: Do not allow separations within word stems. This is especially true for words with prefixes and words composed of several words: |
If this option is disabled, for example, the German word heim-kom-men will be hyphenated as heim-kommen and Ta-fel-was-ser as Tafel-wasser. |
▪Allow unaesthetic hyphenation
This option has the following effect: |
On: Allow all permitted hyphenations, even unaesthetic ones. |
Off (recommended): Do not allow separations that are unaesthetic or confusing. |
If this option is disabled, for example, the German word so-zi-al is hyphenated as so-zial. In addition, confusing separations such as Urin-stinkt (urine stinks in German) instead of "Urinstinkt" (basic instinct in German) or Reim-port instead of "Reimport" are no longer allowed. |
"Grammar and spell check rules" section
All grammar and spell check rules appear in this list with their enabled status (check mark in checkbox = enabled). To find a rule more quickly, you can use the dropdown list to limit the selection from Alle Einträge (All entries) to a specific topic. If necessary, enable or disable rules by clicking on the checkbox and confirm with OK.
Disabled rules are ignored by the spelling and grammar check; thus no errors are reported with respect to this rule.
Background information:
There are two reasons why rules may appear as disabled in this list:
▪Rules that you disabled yourself:
As described in Using the Duden grammar check, you can disable rules by right-clicking on one of the underlined grammatical errors and selecting the command Always ignore rule from the context menu that appears. |
All rules disabled in this way appear in this list without a check mark and can be enabled again if you change your mind. |
▪Rules that are disabled by default:
Some rules are disabled by default for various reasons. For example, a percent sign may be preceded by a space character, but it does not have to be. Thus, the corresponding rule is initially set to disabled. |
Note: The check rules used here are only highlighted in the text after completing the paragraph and not while typing.
You can restore the default settings for this list at any time by clicking on the Reset all button. Any rules you changed will then be reset to their original status.