Using the SoftMaker Equation Editor

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Using the SoftMaker Equation Editor

Note: The SoftMaker Equation Editor is available only for Windows and is not included in all versions of TextMaker.

The SoftMaker Equation Editor allows you to graphically display mathematical and technical equations.

TextMaker communicates with the Equation Editor via OLE, as described in the previous sections. In order to add a graphical representation of an equation to your document, insert an OLE object that uses the Equation Editor as the source application.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Move the text cursor to the desired position in the document.
2.In TextMaker, choose the ribbon command Insert | OLE object frame. To do so, click directly on the icon itself.
3.In the list Object Type of the dialog box, select SoftMaker Equation Editor.
4.Confirm with OK to start the Equation Editor.

Tip: You can insert an equation even faster via the ribbon command Insert | Equation equation_editor_icon.

5.Create the desired equation.
6.When the equation is complete, simply exit the Equation Editor.

The equation is now embedded in the TextMaker document as an OLE object.

You can subsequently edit objects created with the Equation Editor at any time by double-clicking on them. The Equation Editor is then restarted and opens the equation. Make the desired changes and then simply exit the Equation Editor again.

You can also change the properties of the Equation Editor object by right-clicking on the Equation Editor object, opening the context menu, and choosing the command OLE object properties.

Information from the creators of the Equation Editor

The SoftMaker Equation Editor is a special version of the MathType program from Maths for More (WIRIS). If you frequently use equations in your documents, you might find that MathType itself is even better suited to your needs than the SoftMaker Equation Editor.
While just as easy to use as the Equation Editor, MathType has a number of additional functions that can help you to become more productive and create more complex equations.

MathType is available in English, German and other languages. For information about how to purchase MathType, contact your software vendor or WIRIS directly.

Maths for More, S.L.

Calle Roger de Flor, 223

08025 Barcelona


Phone WIRIS Europe:

+34 932 804 805

Phone WIRIS America:

+1 562 432 2920

