Enabling conversion to the new German spelling

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Enabling conversion to the new German spelling

To enable checking and converting to the new spelling in texts composed in German, you must proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command File | Options options_icon to open the dialog box.
Alternatively: Choose the ribbon command Review | Spell check dropdown_arrow | Settings.
2.Switch to the Language tab.
3.Enable the option Check spelling as you type.
4.Also enable the option Underline old German spellings in blue.
5.Confirm with OK.

Note: The option Underline old German spellings in blue only works for text in the language "German (Germany)", "German (Austria)" or "German (Switzerland)". It is irrelevant for all other languages.

TextMaker now permanently checks the document in the background for words that should be written differently since the 1996 spelling reform. Such words are underlined in blue. On the following pages, you will learn how to convert these words into the new German spellings.