Master pages

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Master pages

This chapter has already introduced you to headers and footers, which only have to be entered once but will then appear on every page. This is a very useful thing, although TextMaker has yet another trick up its sleeve:

The content of the master page also appears on every page of the document. However, as its name implies, it is not limited to a few lines in the top or bottom margins, but can fill the whole page.

Note: Please note that only frames are permitted on a master page (text frames, picture frames, etc.). Tip: If you want to add text to a master page, you can still do so by simply inserting a text frame.

If, for example, you want to enhance a letter with a "watermark", simply insert a picture frame with a suitable picture on the master page and set the option Text flow in the picture properties to "Behind text". The watermark will then appear on every page of the document, and the text will flow right over it.