Notes on the text format

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Notes on the text format

As mentioned in the previous section, you can also open and save plain text files with TextMaker.

When you do so, make sure that the correct character set is set:

Letting TextMaker determine the character set automatically

Normally, you don't have to worry about setting the character set, as TextMaker does this automatically:

When you open a text file, TextMaker automatically attempts to determine its character set. If it fails, your system's default character set is used.

When you open a text file and then save it, TextMaker automatically uses the character set in which the file was opened.

When you save a document as a new text file, your system's default character set is used.

Setting the character set manually

Alternatively, you can specify the character set manually when you open (or save) a text file.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Use the ribbon command File | Open (click directly on the icon itself) to open the file dialog box or File | Save as.
2.Important: Select "Text file with additional options" from the dropdown list of file types.
3.Select a file or specify the file name of the text file. Confirm with Open (or Save).
4.The program now displays an additional dialog box where you can specify the character set.

The following settings can be made in it:

Character set

Here, you can specify which character set to use when the text file is opened/saved.
Note: TextMaker suggests a suitable character set automatically. Usually, there is no need to change this setting.

Encoding of newlines

Only when saving: Here, you can select the control characters to insert at the end of each line (to indicate the beginning of a new line).
Note: TextMaker suggests suitable control characters automatically. Usually, there is no need to change this setting.
Available options:
CR+LF: This is the recommended setting for Windows.
LF: This is the recommended setting for Linux and Mac.
CR: This control character was common on older Apple Mac systems (before macOS).