Step 2: Assigning the bibliography database

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Step 2: Assigning the bibliography database

In the next step, you tell TextMaker what database you want to use as the document's bibliography database. You must also specify which fields in this database contain the abbreviations for references, authors and titles.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Open the document for which you want to use the bibliography database created in Step 1, or start a new document.
2.Choose the ribbon command References | group Bibliography | Manage | Bibliography settings.
3.If you are still in the document from Step 1, the database is still assigned and you can jump straight to point 4.
If you have started a new document, however, the created bibliography database is not yet assigned. In this case, click on the File button. A file dialog box appears. In the dialog box, go to the directory containing the bibliography database, select the database in it and open it.
4.In the dialog box Bibliography settings, you must now specify which fields of this database contain the cross-reference (abbreviation), the author and the title. To do so, select these fields from the three dropdown lists in the Settings section.
5.In the Reference style section, you can also specify how the references that you can insert in Step 3 should be displayed if necessary.
6.When you are satisfied with all settings, confirm with OK.

TextMaker now knows which database contains information about the sources for this document and how this information is distributed over the database fields. Thus, you can proceed to step 3.