Adding and editing records

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Adding and editing records

In databases that are in SQLite or dBASE format, you can edit existing records in the database module or add new records.

Note: If you have opened a database in other formats (.pmdx, .xlsx, text files), you cannot edit the records. However, you can save these formats in SQLite format from within the TextMaker database module and then open and edit them as an SQLite database.

FreeOffice: In SoftMaker FreeOffice, you cannot open the .pmdx and .xlsx formats.

To save such formats, choose the command Save as SQLite table db_save_as_sqlite_icon (in the group Manage of the database module).

Editing record

Important: Records can only be changed in the form view of the database module. To switch between list and form view, click on the Form / list view button (in the group View). If the button appears dark, the form view is enabled, otherwise the list view is enabled.

To edit a record, simply position the text cursor in the desired data field and make your changes. You can move to the next data field with the Tab key and to the previous data field with Shift+Tab.

Note: To save changes to a record, you do not have to choose any special command, as changes to the current record are saved automatically when you scroll to another record or exit the database.

Appending a new record

If you want to add an additional entry to your database, choose the ribbon command Append db_append_record_icon (in the group Records) in the database module.

TextMaker adds an empty data record to the database and positions the text cursor in the first field of the record. You can start filling in the record immediately.

New records are always appended after existing records.

Tip: If you have reached the last record, you can also create a new record with the db_navi_next key (scroll to the next record).

Duplicating a record

You can use the ribbon command Duplicate db_duplicate_record_icon (in the group Records) to create a duplicate of a record. To do so, scroll to the desired record and then choose this command.

Duplicated data records are always appended at the end of the database, just like newly created records.

Updating records

The ribbon command Update db_update_icon (in the group View group) is used to re-read the database in case it has been changed by an application other than the multi-user database.