Footnotes and endnotes

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Footnotes and endnotes

FreeOffice: The functions for working with Footnotes and Endnotes are not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

When a word or phrase in your text requires explanatory comments, you can place such comments in footnotes or endnotes.

Footnotes usually appear at the bottom of the page. You can also have them displayed below the text.

Endnotes are also basically footnotes. The only difference is that they are displayed collectively at the end of the document. However, you also have the option of having endnotes displayed at the end of each chapter.

In TextMaker, it is always possible to subsequently convert footnotes into endnotes and vice versa.

See the following pages for all information on inserting, editing, and formatting footnotes. The descriptions for endnotes will then follow in a separate section.