Page formatting

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Page formatting

This chapter covers everything you need to know about formatting pages in TextMaker. It contains the following sections:

Inserting manual page breaks

If you want to start a new page before the text has reached the end of the current page, you can always insert a manual page break. You will learn how to do this in this section.

Page setup

On the ribbon tab Layout | group Page setup, you define the page format of the document. This includes settings such as page size, page orientation (portrait or landscape) and page margins.

Headers and footers

Headers and footers are consistent lines of text that are printed at the top and bottom respectively of each page of the document. This section describes how to create and edit them.

Master pages

Headers and footers are parts of the master page. On the master page, you can insert any object frame – for example, a picture frame with a watermark. These objects will then appear on each page of the document.

Dividing a document into chapters

All page formatting options described in this chapter apply to the whole document by default. Thus, all pages have the same paper format and the same headers and footers, etc. However, you can also divide a document into chapters. Each chapter can have its own set of headers and footers and its own page format. Read this section to learn more about it.

Changing the page background

FreeOffice: The command Background is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

You can change the background of your document's pages at any time, for example, to add some color to them. There are two commands for this, which work somewhat differently:
The ribbon command Layout | Background (in the group Section) and the ribbon command Layout | Chapters. In this section, you will learn how to use these commands and what differences there are between them.

Fold marks

FreeOffice: Inserting Fold marks is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

Insert practical marks into your document to fold the printout of a letter in the right places by means of two fold marks or to be able to position the holes exactly when filing documents via a bi-fold in the middle.