Tables of references (TOC, index, etc.)

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Tables of references (TOC, index, etc.)

TextMaker provides functions that authors can use to make some of the most time-consuming work associated with the preparation of large documents much easier:

With TextMaker, the creation of tables of contents and indices is easy, captions and tables of figures can be provided for pictures and even bibliographies (for referencing cited literature) can be created:

Indices (not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice)

For an index, you merely have to tell TextMaker what words are to be indexed, and where they are in the text. This is done by selecting the word in the text and choosing the ribbon command References | group Index | Add entry.
If all keywords have been defined, you can create the index with the ribbon command References | group Index | Generate.

Tables of contents (not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice)

For a table of contents, you only need to provide your document with an outline, as described in Outlines. TextMaker already knows the hierarchy of headings.
If you choose the ribbon command References | group Table of contents | Generate, TextMaker creates the table of contents immediately.

Captions and tables of figures (not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice)

You can use the ribbon command References | group Captions | Insert caption to insert an automatically numbered caption below pictures – for example, "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc.
You can then also use the ribbon command References | group Captions | Generate, which inserts a table of figures of all pictures with page numbers at the touch of a button.

Bibliographies (not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice)

For a bibliography, you first create a bibliography database in which you enter all the sources to which you want to refer. You can now use the ribbon command References | group Bibliography | Insert field to insert references to these sources into the document.
At the end of the document, you use the ribbon command References | group Bibliography | Generate to generate a bibliography that automatically lists all sources used.

Bibliographies with Zotero

This feature is only included in SoftMaker Office Professional and NX Universal.

You also have the option of inserting source references to cited works and of creating a bibliography in TextMaker via the connection to the literature management program Zotero if you have installed it.
You will find the commands for working with Zotero on the ribbon tab References | group Zotero.

Our section about tables of references concludes with the following additional information:

Updating tables of references

Editing and formatting tables of references

For more information on these topics, see the following pages.