BINOM.DIST (binomial distribution)

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BINOM.DIST (binomial distribution)


BINOM.DIST(k, n, p, Cumulative)


Returns the binomial distribution function.

The binomial distribution can be used to determine the probability to get k successes in an experiment with n independent trials with only two possible outcomes (success or failure) with a fixed probability of p for each trial.

For example, a coin flip experiment is a binomial experiment (see example below).

k is the number of successes. Must be in the range 0 to n.

n is the number of independent trial runs.

n and k should be integers. Digits right of the decimal point are ignored by PlanMaker.

p is the probability of a success for each trial run.

The logical value Cumulative lets you specify which type of function will be returned:

FALSE: The probability density function is returned. So BINOM.DIST determines the probability that there are exactly k successes.

TRUE: The cumulative distribution function is returned. BINOM.DIST therefore determines the probability that there are at most k successes.


Let us take the above example:

When you flip a coin 10 times (n=10), what is the probability that it lands on "heads" (p=50%) exactly 4 times?

BINOM.DIST(4, 10, 50%, FALSE) returns 0.20508                =20.5%

What is the probability that it lands on "heads" at most 4 times?

Here, instead of the density function, you use the distribution function (specify the Cumulative argument with TRUE):

BINOM.DIST(4, 10, 50%, TRUE) returns 0.37695                =37.7%

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2010 or later. In older versions, the function is unknown.

See also: