BINOM.DIST.RANGE (binomial distribution)

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BINOM.DIST.RANGE (binomial distribution)


BINOM.DIST.RANGE(n, p, k1 [,k2])


Returns the probability of success for a number of trials using a binomial distribution.

n is the number of independent trial runs. Must be ≥ 0

p is the probability of a success for each trial run. Must be in the range 0 to 1. (0 corresponds to 0% ; 1 corresponds to 100%)

k1 is the number of successes. Must be in the range 0 to n.

k2 is optional and returns the probability that the number of successes will fall between k1 and k2. k2 Must be in the range k1 to n.

n and k1,k2 should be integers, digits right of the decimal point were ignored by PlanMaker.


If the optional argument k2 is omitted, the probability of the exact number of successes is calculated.


When you flip a coin 10 times (n=10), what is the probability that it lands on "heads" (p=50%) exactly 4 times?

BINOM.DIST.RANGE(10, 50%, 4) returns 0.20508                =20.5%

What is the probability that it lands on "heads" between 4 and 8 times?

BINOM.DIST.RANGE(10, 50%, 4, 8) returns 0.81738        =81.7%

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2013 or later. In older versions, the function is unknown.

See also: