<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> PERCENTRANK (percent rank in a data set) |
Note: PERCENTRANK is supplemented by the new identical function PERCENTRANK.INC and the completely new function PERCENTRANK.EXC, which are available in newer versions of Microsoft Excel (2010 or later).
PERCENTRANK(Range, Number [, Digits])
Returns the percentile rank (between 0 and 1 inclusive) of a value in a data set.
Range is a range with numeric data – usually a reference to a cell range in which numbers are entered.
Number is the value whose rank you want to determine. If Number is not included in the given values, interpolation will be used.
Digits (optional) is the number of significant digits for the returned value. To do this, enter the desired number of decimal places. If omitted, 3 digits will be used.
If A1:A9 contain the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:
PERCENTRANK(A1:A9, 5) returns 0.5 (=50%) middle of the given values; median
PERCENTRANK(A1:A9, 1) returns 0 (=0%) minimum value
PERCENTRANK(A1:A9, 9) returns 1 (=100%) maximum value
See also: