QUARTILE (quartiles of a data set)

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QUARTILE (quartiles of a data set)

Note: QUARTILE is supplemented by the new identical function QUARTILE.INC and the completely new function QUARTILE.EXC, which are available in newer versions of Microsoft Excel (2010 or later).


QUARTILE(Range, n)


Returns one of the quartiles of a data set, based on a percentile range between 0 to 1 (inclusive).

Range is a range with numerical data – usually a reference to a cell range in which numbers to be evaluated are entered.

n determines which quartile to return. The following values are permissible:

0: The minimum

1: The 1st quartile (25th percentile)

2: The 2nd quartile (50th percentile or median)

3: The 3rd quartile (75th percentile)

4: The maximum

If n is < 0 or > 4, a #NUM! error value will be returned.


If A1:A9 contain the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9:

QUARTILE(A1:A9, 3) is equivalent to PERCENTILE(A1:A9, 0.75), which returns 7

See also: