Commands in the Edit menu of the dialog editor

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Commands in the Edit menu of the dialog editor

The Edit menu of the dialog editor provides menu commands for editing dialog elements.

For many of these commands you first have to select the dialog element that you want to change. To select an object, click on it. To select multiple objects, click on them successively while holding down the Shift key or draw a rectangle around them with the mouse.

Edit > Cut

Cuts out dialog elements and puts them into the clipboard.

Edit > Copy

Copies dialog elements into the clipboard.

Edit > Paste

Pastes the content of the clipboard.

Edit > Delete

Deletes dialog elements.

Edit > Delete all

Empties the whole dialog box.

Edit > Snap to grid

Aligns dialog elements on a grid. The grid size can be adjusted with the menu command Edit > Grid.

Edit > Bring to front

If you have overlapping dialog elements, this command brings the selected element to the foreground.

Edit > Send to back

If you have overlapping dialog elements, this command send the selected element to the background.

Edit > Alignment

Changes the alignment of the currently selected dialog elements. Options available:
No change: No change is made.
Left: Aligns the elements to the left border of the leftmost element.
Center: Aligns the elements to their horizontal center.
Right: Aligns the elements to the right border of the rightmost element.
Space evenly: Spaces the elements evenly between the left border of the leftmost and the right border of the rightmost element.
Centered in window: Centers the elements within the dialog box.
The settings in the Vertical section work accordingly.

Edit > Size

Changes the size of the currently selected dialog elements. Options available:
No change: No change is made.
Minimum width: The width is adapted to that of the narrowest selected item.
Maximum width: The width is adapted to that of the widest selected item.
Value: The width is set to a fixed value (entered in screen pixels).
The settings in the Height column work accordingly.

Edit > Grid

Here you can configure the grid. The grid is a positioning aid for dialog elements. When it is enabled, elements cannot be shifted to arbitrary positions; instead they snap from one grid point to the next. Options available:
Show grid: Determines if grid points should be displayed (in the dialog editor).
Snap to grid: Determines if the grid is activate.
X and Y increment: Determines the distance of the grid points.
Tip: To fit elements on the grid that have already been inserted, use the Edit > Snap to Grid menu command.