Commands on the Home ribbon tab

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Commands on the Home ribbon tab

The following commands are available on the Home ribbon tab of the script editor:


Command group "Edit"

The commands in this group are used for editing scripts.


Pastes the content of the clipboard into the text at the current position.


Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.


Deletes the selected text.

Command group "Program"

You can execute the current script with the commands in the Program group of the Home ribbon tab of the script editor:

Start (shortcut key: F9)

Executes the script. See also the section Starting scripts.

The other options in the command group Program help with finding errors. So for example you can run the script step by step or set breakpoints at which execution of the script will be automatically paused.

For this, the following commands are available:

Trace (shortcut key: F7)

Carries out the next statement in the script, then stops.

Step (shortcut key: F8)

This, too, invokes the next statement, provided however that procedures (functions and subs) are not processed in single steps, but as a whole.

Reset (shortcut key: Ctrl+F2)

Breaks the execution and puts the script back to its first line.

Insert/Delete Breakpoint (shortcut key: F2)

Places or removes a breakpoint in the current line. The execution of scripts will be automatically interrupted as soon as it reaches a breakpoint.

Delete all Breakpoints (shortcut key: Alt+F2)

Deletes all breakpoints in the script.

Detailed instructions about the above commands can be found in the section Debugging scripts.

Command group "Insert"

The following commands are available on the Home ribbon script Editor tab:


Opens the graphical dialog editor, with which you can create and edit user-defined dialog boxes. For more information, see the section Using the dialog editor.


Sets a bookmark at the current position. This can be visited again at any time with the ribbon command Home | Go to. More on this can be found in the section Bookmarks and the Go to command.


Allows you to insert and edit SmartText entries. For more information, see the section Using SmartText.
Tipp: Using SmartText entries for frequently used instructions or routines can save you a lot of time!


Inserts another script or text document at the current position of the cursor. A file dialog appears where you can choose the desired document.

Special characters

Opens a window containing all the different symbols and other special characters that you can insert in the text. Select the desired character and click the Insert button.

Command group "Search"

The Find and Replace commands can be found in the Find tab:


Lets you search for text. More information about this can be found in the section Searching and replacing in the script editor.


Lets you search for text and replace it with some other text. More information about this can be found in the section Searching and replacing in the script editor.

Find next

Repeats the last search or replace command. More information about this can be found in the section Searching and replacing in the script editor.

Go to

Lets you set and navigate to bookmarks in the script. More on this can be found in the section Bookmarks and the Go to command.

Command group "Select"

The Select all command selects the entire text.