DropCap (object)

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DropCap (object)

Access paths:

Application à Documents à Item à Paragraphs à Item à DropCap

Application à ActiveDocument à Paragraphs à Item à DropCap

 1  Description

The DropCap object describes the drop-cap character of a paragraph. It is a child object of Paragraph and allows you to get and set the properties of the drop-cap character.

 2  Access to the object

Each paragraph has exactly one instance of the DropCap object. It is accessed through the object pointer DropCap in the Paragraph object:

' Activate a drop cap for the first paragraph

tm.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).DropCap.Position = tmDropNormal


' ... and change the font of the drop-cap character

tm.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).DropCap.FontName = "Arial"

 3  Properties, objects, collections and methods











Application Application

Parent Paragraph

FontName (property)

Data type: String

Gets or sets the font name of the drop-cap character.

Size (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the font size of the drop-cap character in points.

Position (property)

Data type: Long (TmDropPosition)

Gets or sets the mode in which the drop-cap character is positioned. The possible values are:

tmDropNone       = 0 ' No drop caps

tmDropNormal     = 1 ' In the paragraph

tmDropMargin     = 2 ' To the left of the paragraph

tmDropBaseLine   = 3 ' On the base line

LeftMargin (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the left margin of the drop cap in points (1 point corresponds to 1/72 inches).

RightMargin (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the right margin of the drop cap in points (1 point corresponds to 1/72 inches).

TopMargin (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the top margin of the drop cap in points (1 point corresponds to 1/72 inches).

BottomMargin (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the bottom margin of the drop cap in points (1 point corresponds to 1/72 inches).

Application (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the Application object.

Parent (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the parent object, i.e. an object of the type Paragraph.