Check spelling

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Check spelling

After editing, it is useful to check the spelling of each added text. You can check the correct spelling of the words in three ways:

Check the words within the selected text: To do so, select the text.

Check the words in the active text boxes: To do so, select the text boxes.

Check the entire document: To do so, make sure that no text box is selected.

By choosing the command Review | group Text | Spell check icon_spellcheck or pressing the F7 key, the dialog box Spelling will appear.

For more information on this dialog box, see Spell check.


It is important that the set language matches the language of the document. In the dialog box Spelling, click on the Language hyperlink to select the correct language.

You can edit the content of the user dictionary. For more information, see User dictionaries.

Be careful when changing text in paragraphs that have an unusual shape (for example, those that flow around graphics). If these paragraphs are reflowed, their layout may be lost. For information on how to edit such paragraphs, see Letting text flow around shapes.

If the words in the Suspect field appear illegible or contain strange characters, this means that the text could not be extracted correctly from the PDF file. This is due to an incorrect font encoding of the PDF file and it cannot be corrected with FlexiPDF.

FlexiPDF warns you if the replacement text cannot be rendered in the font of the misspelled text. In this case, you will be prompted to select a different font.

FlexiPDF only supports the editing of texts that are read from left to right. The editing of Arabic and Hebrew texts is thus not supported.

Words that include numbers cannot be added to the user dictionary. However, you can skip them with the Ignore All button.