Finding and replacing in bookmarks

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Finding and replacing in bookmarks

You thus find the names of bookmarks and can optionally replace them with other names:

1.Choose the ribbon command View | group Window | Sidebars dropdown_arrow |Bookmarks to display the Bookmarks sidebar.
2.Click on the magnifying glass icon icon_bookmarks_findreplace in the mini toolbar of the Bookmarks sidebar.
dialog - bookmarks - find
3.Enter the search term in the Find input field.
4.Click on Whole words if you want to find complete words and not just parts of words.
5.Click on Match case if you want it to be considered.
6.Click on Use wildcards to take advantage of the practical search with wildcard characters:
? means a single character, for example, ?ouse finds the terms house, mouse, louse, etc.
* means any number of characters, for example, rai* finds rail, railway, railroad, etc.
+ means 1 or more arbitrary characters, for example, rail+ finds rails and railway but not rail.
7.Click on Find Next to jump to the next occurrence of the search term in the bookmarks list.
8.Replace replaces the name of a bookmark and then jumps to the next occurrence of the search term in the bookmarks list.
9.Replace All performs all further replacements automatically and without prompts.


Editing the name of a bookmark does not affect the page to which the bookmark refers.