Finding text

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Finding text

To find text, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Home | group Search | Find icon_search.
2.Enter the search term in the Find input field.
dialog - find replace - page range
3.To limit the search to specific pages and ranges, click on the hyperlink all pages in current document (highlighted in red in the figure). In the displayed dialog box "Search Range", you can specify the pages in which you want to search.
dialog - find replace - search area
Also possible here: If you are currently editing a text with the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit, you can select the option Current story to limit the search to the active text box. Alternatively, select the option Selected text only to search within a selected text range.

Tip: You can also temporarily crop a page range and limit the search to that range. For more information, see Within a specific area.

Options of the dialog box "Find"

Click on Whole words if you want to find complete words and not just parts of words. If the checkbox is not enabled, you will also find, for example, railway when entering rail.

Click on Match case if you want it to be considered during the search.

Click on Use wildcards to take advantage of the practical search with wildcard characters:

? means a single character, for example, ?ouse finds the terms house, mouse, louse, etc.
* means any number of characters, for example, rai* finds rail, railway, railroad, etc.
+ means 1 or more arbitrary characters, for example, rail+ finds rails and railway but not rail.

If Zoom-in on results is enabled, FlexiPDF zooms in on the occurrence every time you click on Find Next and selects the text.

To find the entered search text in a specific font, color or size, click on the hyperlink Character formatting. For more information, see the next section Finding formatted text.

If you only want to find formatting such as a font, color or size, and the content is irrelevant, remove the check mark for Find. For more information, see Finding formatting only.

Click on Find Next to find the next occurrence of the desired text from the current point.

Click on Find All to display the Results list that lists all occurrences:

dialog - find replace - results
Double-click on an entry to see it in the document (or click on View).
If you search within a Portfolio, the third column in the results list shows you the name of the portfolio document in which the text was found.

The Show/Hide Results button allows you to show or hide the above Results list at any time.

Use the Replace >> button, if you want to both find and replace the search text. The dialog box is then expanded with the options of the dialog box "Replace". For more information about this dialog box, see Replacing text.