Copying colors between objects

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Copying colors between objects

FreePDF: The Pipette tool is not included in FreePDF.

Use the Pipette tool to transfer a color from one object to another.

1.Use the Object tool icon_tool_object in the Quick access toolbar to select one or more objects whose color you would like to change.
2.Then select the Pipette tool icon_tool_pipette from the following commands:
If you have only selected drawings, you will find the Pipette tool on the ribbon tab Format | group Format under the command Fill color or also Line color.
Otherwise, you will find it on the ribbon tab Home | group Character | Font color icon_fontcolor.

Note: For each of the aforementioned commands, click on the arrow of the icon. You will find the Pipette tool in the menu that appears.

3.Use the Pipette to click on the object whose color you want to apply. Fill color, line color and line thickness are applied to the selected objects. The color system of the selected objects is also changed if necessary, as it is adapted to the color source.