Finding formatted text

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Finding formatted text

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You can limit the Find function to text in a specific font, color or size.

Open the dialog box as usual with the ribbon command Home | group Search | Find icon_search.

1.To find text in a specific font, color or size, click on the hyperlink Character formatting.
dialog - find replace - formatting
2.The dialog box Find Format lets you select the desired font, font size and font color.
dialog - find replace - find format
If some text is already selected when the dialog box is opened, the formatting of this text is applied as the default setting to the dialog box.
3.If the dropdown list Font is set to Any, the program does not search for the font.
4.If the dropdown list Size is set to Any, the program does not search for the font size.
5.If the check mark is set for Fill, the program only searches for text that has a certain fill color. Click on the button next to the checkbox to select a color.
6.If the check mark is set for Stroke, the program only searches for text that has a certain outline color. Click on the button next to the checkbox to select a color.