Grouping objects

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Grouping objects

FreePDF: The Group objects feature is not included in FreePDF.

You can group objects to make them easier to edit.


1.Use the Object tool icon_tool_object from the Quick access toolbar, and select the objects that you want to group.
2.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Objects | Group icon_objects_group, or right-click to open the context menu and choose the command Group Selection.

Ungrouping objects

1.Use the Object tool icon_tool_object to select the objects that you want to ungroup.
2.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Objects | Ungroup icon_objects_ungroup, or right-click to open the context menu and choose the command Ungroup Selection.


If you have enabled the option Store layout info in PDF (see Options: Saving tab), objects will remain grouped even after saving and reopening.