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FreePDF: The Hyperlink tool is not included in FreePDF.

Hyperlinks allow you to specify interactive boxes that you can click on to jump to another area of the same or a different PDF file or to open a web page in the browser.

To follow an existing hyperlink, click on it with the Hand tool icon_tool_hand.

After clicking on a hyperlink that points to a specific location in the currently open document (see Links within a document), you can do the following:

You can use the button icon_navigation_back in the status bar to return to the previous view – similar to the "Back" button of a web browser.

To see where hyperlinks are placed on a page, select the Hyperlink tool icon_tool_hyperlink on the ribbon tab Insert | group Links, and all hyperlinks on the page will be highlighted. You can then double-click on the hyperlink to edit its properties again.


Hyperlinks, like other comments, are located on a separate level "hovering" above the page. They do not automatically follow the text when you edit it later.