Links within a document

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Links within a document

FreePDF: The Hyperlink tool is not included in FreePDF.

A link within a document leads the user to another part of the document and changes the zoom level (optional).

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Insert | group Links | Hyperlink icon_tool_hyperlink.
2.Use the mouse to drag a box around the area that you want to define as a hyperlink. You can still resize this box after its creation if it was initially set incorrectly.
3.After drawing the hyperlink box, the dialog box Link Properties will be displayed.
dialog - link - goto
4.Change the Link Type to Go To View.
5.Select Link is always visible if you want the link to always be displayed as an outlined rectangle.
6.Move the dialog box aside (do not close it) so that you can see the document.
7.Navigate to the destination in the document by scrolling, zooming and switching pages.
8.Once at your desired location, click again in the dialog box. For Zoom, select the document's zoom level which should be set after clicking on the hyperlink.
9.Click on OK.

If you then select the Hand tool icon_tool_hand in the Quick access toolbar, you can follow the link.