Splitting text boxes

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Splitting text boxes

FreePDF: The Split text boxes feature is not included in FreePDF.

If you want to format individual paragraphs of a text box instead of the entire text box, you can choose Split paragraphs to split the text box into paragraphs. FlexiPDF then creates a separate text box for each paragraph.

1.Use the Object tool icon_tool_object from the Quick access toolbar.
2.Click on the text box that you want to split.
At the top right, an additional ribbon tab Format appears with the heading Text box.
3.Here, choose the ribbon command Format | group Inner text | Split icon_textbox_split | Split paragraphs.
Alternatively, you will also find this command in the context menu: Text Box dropright_arrow Split Paragraphs.

The text box is now divided into individual text boxes for each paragraph, which can be edited individually.

Separating selected text to form a separate text box

If you only want to separate a specific selected section of text from a text box to form a separate text box, you can do so as follows:

1.Use the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit from the Quick access toolbar.
2.In the relevant text box, select the section of text that you want to separate to form a separate text box.
3.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Inner Text | Split icon_textbox_split | Rebuild with selected text.