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FreePDF: Tabs are possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted text boxes.

Tabs can be used to create tabular layouts. You can choose between right-aligned, left-aligned and centered tabs. You can also specify whether the tabs should be displayed with or without leaders.

ruler - tabstops

The ruler shows a left-aligned, centered and right-aligned tab.



Tab characters appear as pink arrows during editing.

Creating and deleting tabs

First, select the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit in the Quick access toolbar and select the desired paragraph in a text box. You can then use the following procedures in the ruler:

Click on the position in the ruler where you want to place a tab.

Click on and drag an existing tab to move it to a new position.

Click on and drag an existing tab directly from the ruler in order to delete it.

Right-click on a tab in the ruler to switch between a right, left or centered alignment.


Tabs are retained even after you close and reopen the PDF.

Tab positions can also be beyond the right and left margins of the text box.