Underline and strikethrough

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Underline and strikethrough

FreePDF: Underline and strikethrough are possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted text boxes.

On the ribbon tab Home | group Character, you will find the commands that are used to Underline and Strikethrough text.

Proceed as follows:

1.Use the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit in the Quick access toolbar, and select the text that you want to edit.
Alternatively, use the Object tool icon_tool_object to click on the text box that you want to edit.
2.Click on the Underline icon_text_format_underline or Strikethrough icon_text_format_strikethrough button.
3.For more control over the width, color and position of the underline or strikethrough, there are other options:
After you have applied an underline or strikethrough as described above, click on the small arrow of the Underline or Strikethrough button, and select More in the menu that appears.
This will open the dialog box Underline Options or Strikethrough Options. For more information, see below.

Underline and strikethrough options

You can use the dialog box to change the color, thickness and position of the line.

Examples of effects:

Offset -6 points
(for a 12 pt font size)



Offset +6 points
(for a 12 pt font size)



Weight 0 pt (hairline)



Text with background




By default, the respective text colors are used for underlines and strikethroughs. To apply a different color, remove the check mark for Same as text. You can now click on the Color button to select a new color.

In this dialog box, set the desired Line color.


Underline: The underline is located at the level behind the text.

Strikethrough: The strikethrough is located at the level in front of the text.