Within a specific area

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Within a specific area

FreePDF: The Page cropping features are not available in FreePDF.

You can limit the scope of the find or replace search to a specific area on the pages by temporarily cropping the relevant pages. This is because the program does not search texts that are outside the cropped area. Then remove this cropping after you have finished finding or replacing.

1.Crop the relevant pages in question using the Crop tool icon_cropping_tool (ribbon tab Pages | group Crop). As a result, you only hide text and images outside the cropped area rather than deleting them from the PDF.
2.Press the Enter key on your keyboard and set the desired page range in the following dialog box.
3.Choose the command File | Options. On the Advanced tab, make sure that the option Include cropped text when editing is disabled.
4.Find and replace as described in the previous sections.
5.Use the ribbon command Pages | group Crop | Remove crop icon_cropping_remove to remove the cropping again.

For more information about the Crop tool, see Cropping pages.