B (compatibility function)

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B (compatibility function)


B(n, p, k1 [, k2])


n is the number of independent trial runs.

p is the probability of a success for each trial run (0 to 100%). Must be > 0 and < 1.

k1 is the lower limit for the number of successes.

k2 (optional) is the upper limit for the number of successes.


Returns the probability to get a) exactly k1 successes, or b) between k1 and k2 successes in a binomial experiment with n independent trials.


This function was retained only for compatibility with PlanMaker 97. Use of the following Excel-compatible function is recommended instead:

B(n, p, k1) equals BINOMDIST(k1, n, p, FALSE) or BINOM.DIST(k1, n, p, FALSE)

B(n, p, k1, k2) equals BINOM.DIST.RANGE(n, p, k1, k2)

Compatibility notes:

This function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.

In Excel 2013, a function identical to the B function was introduced: BINOM.DIST.RANGE. PlanMaker supports this function as well. However, please keep in mind that older versions of Excel (and PlanMaker) do not know this function.

See also: