BINOMDIST (binomial distribution)

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BINOMDIST (binomial distribution)

Note: BINOMDIST is supplemented by the new identical function BINOM.DIST and the completely new function BINOM.DIST.RANGE which are available in newer versions of Microsoft Excel (2010 or later).


BINOMDIST(k, n, p, Cumulative)


Returns the binomial distribution function.

The binomial distribution can be used to determine the probability to get k successes in an experiment with n independent trials with only two possible outcomes (success or failure) with a fixed probability of p for each trial.

For example, a coin flip experiment is a binomial experiment (see example below).

k is the number of successes. Must be in the range 0 to n.

n is the number of independent trial runs.

n and k should be integers. Digits right of the decimal point are ignored by PlanMaker.

p is the probability of a success for each trial run.

The logical value Cumulative lets you specify which type of function will be returned:

FALSE: The probability density function is returned. BINOMDIST thus determines the probability of having exactly k successes.

TRUE: The cumulative distribution function is returned. BINOMDIST thus determines the probability that there are at most k successes.


Let us take the above example:

When you flip a coin 10 times (n=10), what is the probability that it lands on "heads" (p=50%) exactly 4 times?

BINOMDIST(4, 10, 50%, FALSE) returns 0.20508                =20.5%

What is the probability that it lands on "heads" at most 4 times?

Here, instead of the density function, you use the distribution function (specify the Cumulative argument with TRUE):

BINOMDIST(4, 10, 50%, TRUE) returns 0.37695                =37.7%

See also: