Applying names to existing formulas

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Applying names to existing formulas

The ribbon command Apply names on the ribbon tab Formula | group Named areas is a useful option for using named ranges: It scans all formulas in the selected range. If it finds a cell reference within a formula for which a name has already been defined, it replaces it with the name.

You use this command as follows:

1.Select the range of cells whose formulas you want to update. If you do not select anything, the entire worksheet will be affected.
2.Choose the ribbon command Formulas | group Named areas | Apply names apply_names_icon.
3.In the Names list, select all names that you want to apply. Alternatively, click Select all to select all names.
4.Confirm with OK.

PlanMaker now scans all cell references within the selected range. Any cell reference that has a name assigned to it will be replaced by the corresponding name.

An example:

The name "January" is assigned to cells A2 to A10. One of the cells in the worksheet contains the formula =SUM(A2:A10). If you now use the ribbon command Formula | group Named areas | Apply names, the formula in this cell will be converted to =SUM(January).

The option "Also apply to relative references"

The aforementioned dialog box contains the option Also apply to relative references. This option should normally remain enabled.

This option means the following:

In PlanMaker, names always refer to cell ranges with absolute addressing (like $A$1:$A$10). However, relative addressing is usually used in calculations (for example, A1:A10).

If this option is enabled, PlanMaker will also convert relative cell references.

If the option is disabled, PlanMaker will only convert absolute cell references.

An example:

Let's assume that the range from A1 to A10 (more precisely: $A$1:$A$10) was named "January". If you apply the Apply names function to the formula =SUM($A$1:$A$10), this formula will always be converted to =SUM(January). If you apply it to the formula =SUM(A1:A10), however, the formula will be converted only if the option Also apply to relative references is enabled.

For more information on this topic, see Relative versus absolute cell references.