Editing worksheets

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Editing worksheets

This chapter marks the beginning of the reference section of the manual. This part of the manual provides detailed descriptions of all of PlanMaker's features organized into chapters by subject matter.

In this first chapter, you will learn how to enter data and edit worksheets. This chapter covers the following topics:

Entering data in cells

The first section describes what you have to consider when entering text, numbers, calculations, etc., in worksheet cells.

Undoing changes

The Undo button undo_solo in the Quick access toolbar can be used to undo the last changes.
The Redo command redo_solo in the Quick access toolbar is its counterpart and reverses the Undo command.

Repeating commands

The command Repeat repeat_icon in the Quick access toolbar repeats the last command that you used with exactly the same settings.

Selecting cells and cell content

This section describes how to select cells – for example, by using the mouse or the keyboard.

Deleting cells and cell content

You can either use the Del key on the keyboard to delete only the cell content or choose the ribbon command Home | group Cells | Delete to remove cells completely from the worksheet (the rest of the worksheet moves up accordingly).

Inserting new cells

The ribbon command Home | group Cells | Insert inserts new cells into your worksheet and automatically moves the existing cells down (or right).

Moving and copying

Selected worksheet areas can be copied or moved with the commands of the ribbon tab Home | group Edit or simply by dragging them via the mouse. Formulas are automatically adjusted when you move or copy cells.

Paste (special)

The ribbon command Home | group Edit | Paste dropdown_arrow | Paste special is a more powerful variant of the command Paste. You can specify exactly what is to be pasted, for example, just the values or just the formatting.

Filling cells automatically

You can choose the ribbon command Home | group Contents | Fill to easily fill cells with consistent values or ranges of values.

Working with multiple worksheets

You can create multiple worksheets in a single document and stack them like a pile of paper, thus enabling you to perform "three-dimensional" calculations.

Naming cell ranges

If you assign a name to a range of cells using the ribbon tab Formula | group Named areas | Edit names, you can use this name in formulas, for example, =SUM(sales) instead of =SUM(A1:A5).

Transposing cells

The ribbon command Data | group Edit | Transpose reverses the row and column orientation of a selected cell range.

Splitting text into multiple columns

Choose the ribbon command Data | group Edit | Text to columns to split text that is in one worksheet cell into multiple worksheet columns.

Sorting cells

Choose the ribbon command Data | group Filter | Sort to sort ranges of cells according to one or more criteria.

Filtering cells by their content

Choose the ribbon command Data | group Filter | AutoFilter or Special filter to filter a cell range according to one or more criteria. All rows in this range that do not match the filter conditions will then be hidden.

Analyzing sheets

This section introduces some tools that can be very useful for analyzing worksheets and troubleshooting. These tools include a command for displaying formulas, syntax highlighting, a watch window for cell content, and various functions for analyzing the formulas in a worksheet.

Updating sheets

The calculations in all worksheets are kept up to date automatically. Whenever you change the content of a cell, PlanMaker recalculates the worksheets. If required, you can disable this behavior and use the ribbon command Formula | group Update | Recalculate to update worksheets manually.

Using comments

Choose the ribbon command Insert | Comment to add comments to cells. The comment is displayed when you hover over such a cell with the mouse cursor.

Goal seek

Choose the ribbon command Data | group Analyze | Goal seek so that an approximation method is used to determine the value which a particular component of a calculation must assume in order to produce the desired result.


The ribbon command Data | group Analyze | Scenario manager allows you to create and display different scenarios. You can use them to observe how the calculations in a worksheet change when the values in specific cells are altered. This enables you to perform all kinds of "what-if" analyses.

Consolidating data

The ribbon command Data | group Analyze | Data consolidation can be used to evaluate data from one or more cell ranges, for example, to calculate their total sums.

Tables in worksheets

This function is a particularly useful option, as it formats an entire worksheet area in one of numerous predefined formats at the touch of a button. Select a cell range and choose the ribbon command Insert | Table to create a "table in a worksheet".
This has the following effects:
The cell range is automatically formatted with a table style. You can switch to a different table style at any time, and thus change the appearance of the entire cell range at once. In addition, an AutoFilter is applied to the "table" automatically. Furthermore, other useful features such as a total row are available.

Pivot tables

Large amounts of complex data can be summarized very clearly according to certain criteria using pivot tables. Select an existing data area and use the ribbon command Insert | Pivot table to create meaningful presentations of your data with minimal effort. The section includes exercises for illustration purposes.

Freezing rows and columns

Choose the ribbon command View | group Windows | Freeze cells to freeze the first rows or columns of a worksheet on the screen. This will make them stay in place when you scroll through the worksheet. This is ideal for row or column headings.

Inserting special characters

The ribbon command Insert | group Text | Symbol opens a dialog box with all available characters of a font. It can be used to insert special characters that are not readily accessible via the keyboard.

For more information on these topics in the above order, see the following pages.