Changing the properties of scrollbars

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Changing the properties of scrollbars

To change the properties of a scrollbar, select it (for example, by right-clicking on it) and select Form object: Properties from the context menu.

Alternatively: On the contextual ribbon tab Object, click on the group arrowgroup_arrow in the bottom right corner of any command group.

The program displays a dialog box with the following options:

Format tab

On this tab, you can change the size and positioning of the object. For more information, see Object properties, Format tab.

Properties tab

On this tab, you can change some general settings. For more information, see Object properties, Properties tab.

Form object tab

On this tab, you can make settings for the scrollbar itself:

Parameters section

Here, you can specify the following parameters:
Current value: The current value (corresponding to the value in the result cell)
Minimum value: The lowest value allowed
Maximum value: The highest value allowed
Incremental change: The value that will be added/subtracted to the current value when you click on one of the two arrows in the scrollbar
Page change: The value that will be added/subtracted when you click on somewhere between the scrollbar's slider and one of the arrow buttons

Result cell

Here, you specify to which cell the resulting value should be returned.

3D effect

If you enable this option, the scrollbar is drawn with a 3D effect.