Customizing PlanMaker

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Customizing PlanMaker

PlanMaker lets you determine a variety of program settings so that you can customize the program to suit your personal work style.

In this chapter, you will learn everything you need to know about it. It is divided into the following sections:

Changing PlanMaker settings

You can use the ribbon command File | Options to change the program settings. These settings apply to the program as a whole and thus to all documents.

Changing document properties

The document properties, on the other hand, are settings that only affect the current document and are also saved in this document. They can be changed with the command File | Properties.

Changing worksheet properties

Ultimately, the worksheet properties are settings that can be set differently for each worksheet in a document. They can be changed with the ribbon command Insert | group Tables | Sheet | Properties.

Customizing the document display

This section describes how to customize the appearance of the document on the screen. Most of the required commands can be found on the ribbon tab View.

Customizing the ribbon

Only for "Ribbon": This section is relevant only for users who have selected in the settings that they want to operate the program with the "ribbon".
Here, you will learn how to configure and customize the ribbon.

Customizing toolbars

Only for "Classic menus with toolbars": This section is relevant only for users who have selected in the settings that they would prefer to operate the program with "Classic menus with toolbars".
Here, you will learn how to configure the toolbars (Standard toolbar, Formatting toolbar, etc.) with the menu command View > Toolbars and how to customize them to your liking with Tools > Customize.

Creating user-defined icons

You can create user-defined icons at any time and add them to the ribbon or to a toolbar. Such icons can be used to start any program.

Customizing shortcut keys

You can also customize the shortcut keys for choosing frequently used commands. The ribbon command File | Customize is responsible for this purpose.

Editing lists for automatic filling

In the dialog box of the ribbon command Home | group Contents | Fill | Series, you can create your own lists for the Fill function.

Installing dictionaries

In this section, you will learn how to install dictionaries for the spell check.

For more information on these topics, see the following pages.