Jumping to specific elements of a table

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Jumping to specific elements of a table

Use the three buttons in the lower right corner of the document window to jump to specific parts of a table (for example, to the next cell with an error value or a comment).


You use these buttons as follows:

If you click on the button with the red dot, a small menu will appear. Then select the type of Go to operation you want to perform from the menu (see below).

If you click on the button with the up arrow, PlanMaker will jump to the previous position. If, for example, you selected "Error value" in the menu, the previous cell with an error value will be displayed.

If you click on the button with the down arrow, PlanMaker will jump to the next position, for example, to the next cell with an error value.

You can thus determine the purpose of the search via the menu that opens after clicking on the red dot. This menu has the following items:

Menu item



Jump to cells that contain a formula

Array formula

Jump to cells that contain an array formula


Jump to cells that contain a fixed value

Error value

Jump to cells that contain an error value (see Error values)

Faulty cell

Jump to cells that have been imported incorrectly – for example, cells using an Excel arithmetic function that PlanMaker doesn't support.


Jump to cells that contain a comment

External reference

Jump to cells that contain an external reference to another document

Conditional formatting

Jump to cells that use conditional formatting

Input validation

Jump to cells that use input validation

Search all worksheets

If this option is enabled, PlanMaker searches all worksheets instead of just the current one.