Moving and copying

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Moving and copying

All operating systems supported by PlanMaker have an extremely useful feature: the clipboard.

The clipboard works as follows: You select something in the worksheet and then cut or copy the selected content to the clipboard. You can then reinsert the selected content elsewhere in the worksheet. The clipboard thus enables cells (as well as objects) to be deleted, copied or moved.

All necessary commands can be found on the ribbon tab Home | group Edit:






The ribbon command Home | Cut deletes the content of a selection – but not permanently. This content is moved to the clipboard and can be pasted from there at any time.



The ribbon command Home | Copy copies the content of the selection to the clipboard.



To paste the contents of the clipboard, choose the command Home | Paste. Position the cursor in the desired place, and then choose this command (click directly on the icon itself). You can also insert the content of the clipboard multiple times in this manner.

Paste special


If you click on the small arrow below the icon rather than directly on it at Home | Paste, a dropdown menu opens with additional options for pasting the content. For more information, see Paste special.

* For information on how to paste from the clipboard without overwriting the existing values in the selected place, see Inserting copied cells.

This works in the same manner for objects such as pictures, charts and drawings.

Pasting into a selected cell range

If you copy cells to the clipboard and then select a range of cells before choosing the ribbon command Home | Paste, PlanMaker will fit the pasted cells into this selection.

This is shown as follows:

If the selected cell range is smaller than the cell range to be pasted, all cells that do not fit will be omitted.

If the selection is larger than the cell range to be pasted, the cells will be repeated until the selected range is completely filled.

There's one exception:

If the selected cell range consists of just one row, PlanMaker will still paste all columns of the copied cells.
The same applies when the selected cell range consists of just one column.

Moving and copying with the mouse ("drag and drop")

Android/iOS: This feature is not available in the Android or iOS version.

You can also move or copy cells by simply selecting them, dragging them with the mouse to a different place and dropping them there. This "drag and drop" technique enables you to move or copy cell contents very quickly.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Select the relevant cells.
2.Press the selected cells with the left mouse button and wait about one second until a small dashed rectangle appears on the mouse cursor.
3.While still holding the mouse button down, drag the selected cells to the target position.
4.When you release the mouse button, the cells will be moved to the target position.
If you hold down the Ctrl key while releasing the mouse button, the cells will instead be copied to the new position.
If you hold down the Alt key while releasing the mouse button, the program displays a dialog box in which you can choose whether the cells are to be copied or moved. When you choose "Copy", you can also specify whether only the contents of the cells or also their formatting should be copied.

Copying and moving formulas with relative coordinates

If you copy or move cells that contain formulas, the cell addresses in those formulas are automatically updated to the new place in the worksheet.

An example:

Let's suppose that cell A7 contains a formula that adds up the values from the four cells above:


You now copy this formula to position B7. PlanMaker will automatically update the formula so that it will work again with the four cells above the total row. Cell B7 will thus contain the following formula:


If you do not want this to happen, use absolute cell addressing instead of the usual relative cell addressing. For more information, see Relative versus absolute cell references.