Settings, System tab

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Settings, System tab

On the System tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command File | Options options_icon, you can make the following system settings:

Smooth edges of pictures

If this option is enabled, PlanMaker uses anti-aliasing to smooth edges and lines in pictures. Advantage: The display quality of scaled pictures is improved. Disadvantage: This procedure consumes some CPU time when displaying pictures, of course.

Enable OpenGL AutoShapes

If this option is enabled, PlanMaker uses the OpenGL graphics engine to display AutoShapes optimally. If you disable this option, 3D effects used for AutoShapes may no longer be displayed correctly. Thus, you should usually leave this option enabled.

Check for updates

Windows, Mac and Linux only: Here, you can specify how often you want the software to check whether there are updates for SoftMaker Office. Updates provide bug fixes and feature improvements.

Note: Checking for updates only works if your device can access the Internet.

You can also disable the automatic update check (not recommended) by selecting Never from the dropdown list. Checking for updates can then only be done manually – by clicking on the Check now button.

Tip: Subscribe to our free newsletter at to automatically receive an e-mail whenever updates are available. The newsletter will also provide you with other useful information and special offers with respect to SoftMaker Office on a regular basis.

Android/iOS: For applications installed from the Google Play/Apple App Store, your device will automatically notify you of updates (unless disabled in the settings of the respective store).

Associate file types

Windows only: This button opens a dialog box where you can associate certain file types with PlanMaker. This will make PlanMaker the default application for the corresponding file types.

If, for example, you link the file type "Microsoft Excel documents" with PlanMaker , files of this type will always be opened in PlanMaker when you double-click on such a file in Windows Explorer.

Show a message during program launch when PlanMaker is not the default program

Windows only: The aforementioned button enables you to set PlanMaker as the default program for opening certain file types. Over time, another application may assume the role as the default program for opening such file types.

If this option is enabled, a message will then appear the next time you open this file type in PlanMaker asking whether you want to set PlanMaker as the default program again. If this option is disabled, the message will no longer be displayed.

Show/hide keyboard automatically

Android/iOS only: If this option is enabled, the on-screen keyboard opens automatically when you can type something (for example, if you double-tap on a cell or tap into an input field in a dialog box).

Change keyboard layout automatically

Android/iOS only: If this option is enabled, the layout of the on-screen keyboard will automatically adapt to the current situation. If, for example, you type into an input field in a dialog box which only accepts numbers, the keyboard will automatically be switched to numeric mode.

Furthermore, when you enter values into table cells, PlanMaker will note the current mode of the keyboard if this option is enabled. If it is disabled, the keyboard will be reset to its standard mode (alpha-numeric) each time you enter data in a new cell.

Enable OpenGL engine

Linux only: If this option is enabled, the program uses the OpenGL graphics engine. This speeds up the screen display. Thus, this option should usually be enabled.

Note: On systems with a very outdated or faulty OpenGL installation, display errors may occur within the application. This depends on your individual system configuration and especially on the graphics driver you are using. In this case, disable this option and restart the application.

Furthermore: If the program detects problems with the installed OpenGL engine at startup, it will automatically disable this option.

Use SHM extensions

Linux only: This option is only available if the option Use OpenGL engine is disabled (not recommended).

If the SHM extensions are enabled, the program uses shared memory (if available), which can speed up the responsiveness of the display.


Linux only: If this option is enabled, PlanMaker supports the composition of accented characters (à, ô, é etc.) using "XIM".

On a German keyboard, for example, the character "ô" can be created by first pressing the ^ key and then the O key.

If you disable this option, you can no longer compose characters in this way.

Note: On some systems, disabling this option improves the responsiveness of the display when you are typing text quickly.

Show hidden files and folders

Mac, Linux only: If this option is enabled, hidden files and folders are also displayed in file dialogs (for example, those of the ribbon command File | Open).

Lock files for exclusive write access

Mac, Linux only: If this option is enabled, some distributions of macOS and Linux can prevent a PlanMaker file from being changed by different programs at the same time. If the option is disabled, different programs can access a file at the same time.

User-defined font paths

Mac, Linux, Android/iOS only: Here, you can specify paths for additional fonts that PlanMaker should use. To do so, enter the subdirectory in which the font files are located. If you want to enter multiple directories, separate them with a colon.

PlanMaker can then use these fonts in addition to the fonts available in your system.

Note: Changes to this setting only become effective after the program is restarted.

Mouse wheel

Mac, Linux only: If your mouse has a mouse wheel, you can set the scrolling increment for a turn of the wheel either by page (one complete page) or by a certain number of lines.

External applications

Mac, Linux only: This button opens a dialog box where you can specify the external programs that start automatically for specific events. When a PDF file is created, for example, the application specified in the PDF viewer field will be launched to display the result.

Note: You don't have to fill in these fields. For all fields that you leave empty, your system's default application will be automatically used for this action. Make changes to this dialog box only if you want an application other than the default application to be used. To do so, simply enter the file name of the corresponding executable file (including the entire file path, if necessary).