Detecting errors in calculations

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Detecting errors in calculations

FreeOffice: Formula auditing is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

The command group Formula | Traces provides, amongst others, commands to find and analyze cells that return an error value.

Note: A cell returns an error value when the calculation it performs gives an illegal result. For example, if a cell tries to perform a division by zero, the error value #DIV/0 will be displayed in the cell. (For more information on error values, see Error values.)

To find and analyze such errors, use the following commands in the command group Formula | Traces:


Note: The commands Trace predecessors, Trace successors and Remove all traces are described in the previous section, see Displaying the relationships between cells.

error_trace_icon Trace to error

If the current cell contains an error value, this command will display arrows to the cells that cause the error (if applicable).
Example: If a cell returns a #DIV/0 error value and you choose this command in this cell, arrows to the cells that perform the division by zero will appear.

error_previous_icon Previous error

Jumps to the previous cell that contains an error value.

error_next_icon Next error

Jumps to the next cell that contains an error value.