Chart properties, Data source tab

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Chart properties, Data source tab

On the Data source tab, you can make settings for the data source area on which the chart is based:

Data source area

Here, you can specify the cell range that contains the data on which the chart is based. By default, the cell range you selected when creating the chart is used. You usually don't have to change anything here.

Data series are in section

Here, you can specify whether the selected data source area should be displayed by columns or by rows in the chart. For more information, see Changing the arrangement of data series.

Data source area contains section

Here, you can specify the types of data which the data source area contains.
Tip: If the top row of the data source area contains headings for the data listed below, enable the option Names. PlanMaker will automatically label the data series in the chart with the corresponding headings.

Include hidden cells

If the data source area contains cells that have been hidden (see Showing and hiding rows/columns)), they are usually not displayed in the chart. Enable this option if you want hidden cells to be displayed as well.